An Unprecedented Opportunity for Hospitality

Did you know we have an unprecedented opportunity for hospitality coming up soon? It is one of the weapons of righteousness we can use to fight back against the spiritual warfare going on in our culture today.

This is the third installment of my Weapons of Righteousness series, which has already included the weapons of reading God’s Word, prayer and choosing hope; praise; and Christian meditation.

An Unprecedented Opportunity for Hospitality

Our focus verse for this week is:

Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay.

1 Peter 4:9 NLT

None of us know exactly when the quarantine will end. But it WILL end, and when it does, we have an unprecedented opportunity for hospitality.



Our culture was suffering from isolation BEFORE quarantine began. Now that we’ve endured almost a full year of it, we are all suffering from a form of “pandemic PTSD,” as my wise counselor friend calls it.

God designed us to live in community with one another as a reflection of being made in his image (see Gen. 2:15-25, Heb. 10:25). The good news is that ALL people are hungering and thirsting for reconnection with others. When the restrictions are lifted, we need to be prepared to show hospitality to others, and sharing Christ’s love with them in the process.

Even though I’m a true-blue introvert, even I am craving more social time with others. I can’t wait for the days to come when I can invite others over for barbecue, fishing and games. I’m eager to gather again with my small group for Bible study, dinner and conversation at Panera. Go ahead and sign me up for those fun times, which I’ll never take for granted again! (I’m sure you understand how I feel.)

Though I don’t know the date of quarantine’s end, I am preparing my heart and mind for hospitality now. I know it’s a positive way to fight back against the isolation of our culture. It’s also a way to reclaim what’s been lost in meeting at church for the past year. Hospitality may be the revival tool God will use to invite people back into his presence. Let’s talk about how we can prepare for this opportunity.



3 Ways to Prepare for Unprecedented Hospitality

I’ve thought about three steps we can take as we prepare to host others in Christ’s name once the quarantine lifts. Since I don’t usually write a lot about hospitality, I want to share several resources with you that have helped me be more hospitable with others. Here are the three tips I recommend, along with resources I have curated for you.

1. Prepare what you will tell others about God.

Since people will be so eager to gather together, they may be more open to listening about God than ever before. They may feel even more comfortable in your home or a cafe as opposed to a church building. It’s wise for us to prepare our testimonies now so we won’t be as nervous to share them later.

I’ve written a popular post, 4 Tips for Sharing Your Testimony, which has inspired many others to feel more comfortable in sharing their faith. You don’t need to preach to others; in fact, it’s better if you don’t. If you take time now to reflect on what God has done in your life the past year, you’ll be ready to speak hope and life into others’ lives through natural conversation.

Also, I highly recommend the book Letters to the Church, my #1 pick of over 100 reads in 2019. It has a wealth of wisdom to share about in-home, informal ministry that anyone can do with a little prep. This may be the way the American church is headed in the future due to various cultural changes. Why not start preparing now to host a small group in your home in the near future?



2. Peruse ideas on hospitality.

There are so many great resources for hospitality, and these are my favorites.

Morgan Tyree’s book Your Hospitality Personality provides practical insight into your strengths as a host. This book gives you lots of inspiration on how you can host gatherings without stressing out, since you’re playing to your strengths. It also contains plenty of helpful tips and tricks for pulling off parties without a hitch.

The Turquoise Table is a well-known, well-loved book for many reasons. The book is especially inspiring if you take the fuss-free angle of hosting gatherings outdoors. It’s an excellent resource for building connections right in your own neighborhood.

Karen Ehman’s book Reach Out, Gather In made my top picks of 2020 list. It’s a unique combination of a devotional, journal and idea book. You’ll also like her homey recipes and decor ideas. I love her chicken wild rice casserole!

Another resource that’s sitting on my to-read shelf is Just Open the Door, a Bible study on hospitality which I’m studying this spring. I also love my friend Sue Donaldson’s hospitality-focused blog and fun Facebook group. Sue has great recipes and tips to share with you, delivered in a winsome way.

I can’t end this section without sharing my favorite cookbook of all time: The Ultimate Southern Living Cookbook. I’ve made dozens of recipes from it since the mid-1990’s, and every single one has been a standout like this potato soup recipe I’ve made a bit healthier. I cooked several recipes from this book when I hosted my biggest party to date – our housewarming party in September 2004 for 65 people. People loved the food!

If  you’re not a cook, no worries – I have NEVER turned down store-bought food at a party. The important thing is enjoying yourself as the host and creating a warm, friendly atmosphere. I hope these resources will inspire you like they have done for me!



3. Pray over a list of names.

The third step is to begin praying over a list of names that the Lord will help you compile. Which group of people will you reach out to host? I don’t live in a neighborhood, so I have to think outside the box. But I know that if I pray about it, the Lord will certainly put names on my to-be-invited list.

I have access to several unique groups at this stage of my life. My husband has several friends who are unchurched, and we enjoy hosting them for meals. My two boys are teenagers, and my daughter is a tween, and they all like having their friends over. I also have friends at my current church, and friends from my former small group I haven’t seen since before the pandemic began. All of these groups can be names to prayerfully consider for my invitation list.

What I want to be intentional about is finding something in common with everyone who visits our home. The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 9:22, “Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some.” We need to look for commonalities to create comfort and unity, even with those whose lifestyles and preferences differ from our own. I frequently keep this verse in mind and pray over it before hosting others.

In my popular post, 5 Steps to Reach the Next Generation for the Lord, I talk about the importance of meeting practical needs first to earn trust and respect among younger generations. Think about what you are good at, and plan to share your adulting tips with younger people. They are hungry for practical advice on home repair, cooking, parenting and time management. If you start by asking them where they are in need of assistance, you may then ask permission to share how you handled a similar situation. This is how you respectfully give practical help, which can lead to more opportunities to share what God is doing in your life.



Hope for An Unprecedented Opportunity for Hospitality

I know it’s tempting to long for everything to go back to normal, to return to the times before the pandemic. But the pandemic has permanently changed us, and that’s not all bad. We can seize this opportunity now to prepare for hospitality, which may very well be a new way God works his grace and redemption in our culture. Will you prayerfully consider how God wants you to live out our focus verse in practical ways, once quarantine is lifted?

Have you learned something new today about hospitality? I’d love to hear from you! Simply comment below with your response.

3 ways to prepare for an unprecedented hospitality opportunity coming after quarantine. #christianliving #intentionalliving #hospitality Click To Tweet

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An Unprecedented Opportunity for Hospitality

An Unprecedented Opportunity for Hospitality

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