7 Unconventional Prayer Closets

7 Unconventional Prayer Closets

Do you have a prayer closet? I have several different “closets” that don’t have actual doors. You can use unconventional prayer closets to strengthen your faith, and maybe one of these unconventional places can inspire your faith.

What’s a Prayer Closet?

When I watched the movie War Room, I delighted in how the main character cleaned out a closet and made it her prayer room.  She posted notes all over the walls and consecrated that space to God.  That little room became the catalyst for a complete overhaul of her marriage.  A powerful space indeed!

Your prayer closet can be wherever you like. It doesn’t have to be a literal closet, and I have seven examples for you.

7 Unconventional Prayer Closets

I don’t have a prayer closet like the character on War Room, but I do pray regularly in several unusual locations like these:


Every morning, I either sing songs of praise or pray aloud while showering.  Sometimes I get so caught up in praying, I can’t even remember whether I shampooed or not!  (Easier to tell if I shaved my legs–wink.)


Once I drop my children off at school in the mornings, I pray aloud on the 10-minute drive to work.  I pray over my husband and children, and I pray for myself to be able to face the day with the best possible attitudes, empowered by the Holy Spirit.  Then on the afternoon commute back to my children’s school, I converse with God over the events of my workday.  It’s a great way to decompress and renew my spiritual connection with the Lord.

Kitchen Sink

The time-consuming task of hand-washing dishes becomes a sweet time of prayer as I clean the dishes and clean out the contents of my heart.
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Since I can’t hear anything else but the motor running, it’s a great time to focus prayer on a specific topic that’s concerning me.  (Need to vacuum more often and receive greater peace and cleaner floors at the same time!)


Like vacuuming, the noisy activity of mowing the lawn effectively blocks out other auditory distractions, which gives me space to pray.  I can enter a peaceful prayer room in my mind, even on a hot, humid August afternoon.


I live right across the road from a country church.  When the weather is nice, I pray while I walk along the gravel path that encircles the cemetery.  This is one of my most peaceful prayer spaces.  I feel as if I’m in the company of many other sleeping saints whose prayers were certainly answered, and someday in heaven I’ll get to see how!


When I get over-stressed at work, I take a stroll down a quiet hallway.  I breathe deeply and recite scriptures from memory in my mind.  The combination of physical activity and prayerful focus instantly calms and settles me, relieving my stress.

7 Unconventional Prayer Closets: Find sacred places to pray in your everyday life! #prayer #prayercloset Click To Tweet

My Favorite Prayer Closet

My most frequent place of prayer is my bedroom.  I try to remember to pray every night before I go to sleep.  It helps to recount my entire day with God, because I remember people to pray for and situations to address.  I give over my stresses and concerns and sleep with more peace when I pray first.

If I wake up in the middle of the night, I view it as an anointed prayer time.  Some of my deepest, most vulnerable prayers have happened in those quiet night hours.  That’s usually when I hear God’s voice with the most clarity.

I want to become a woman who makes full use of every possible prayer space.  Whether it’s a cathedral, a closet, or a cemetery, I want to recognize each location as a call to prayer.  I want to grow in my practice of prayer this year…how about you?

Questions for Reflection

Where is your most unusual prayer place?

What time of day is best for regular prayer in your busy life?

How will your faith grow from regular visits to multiple prayer closets?

7 Unconventional Prayer Closets

Note: This post originally appeared as a guest post on another site.

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