How to Support Your Husband in His Work

Do you know how important it is for you to support your husband in his work? He may not tell you in so many words, but your support as his loving wife is essential.

Too often, I’ve failed to show support to my husband in his work. This took a heavy toll on our marriage. Through trial and error, I’ve found better ways to support him and even confront when necessary. These practices have helped me grow in faith and character, and our marriage is better because I’ve changed.

I’m sharing about ways you can support your husband in his work at A Wife Like Me today. Here’s a peek at my post, and I hope you’ll head over to read the rest.

Supporting Your Husband In His Work

It hasn’t always been easy for me to support my husband in his work. My husband is a very hard worker, which I deeply value. But sometimes he struggles with workaholism. So during his busiest seasons, I’ve tended to retaliate by withdrawing my support.

When I don’t support my husband in his work, the tension rises in our marriage. I’ve been known to say a critical or nagging word about his work, and that destroys the peace in our home. At times I’ve held on to resentment when he seemed to put his work before other priorities, and my hurt feelings created wide distances in our marriage.

In our 18 years as a married couple, God has taught me many lessons about supporting my husband in his work…

Head over to A Wife Like Me to learn why it’s so important for you to support your husband in his work.

Do you know how important it is for you to support your husband in his work? #marriagehelp #encouragement #Christianliving Click To Tweet

How to Support Your Husband in His Work

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