Habits That Honor God

Habits That Honor God is a prayer for better self-discipline. I hope this prayer-poem inspires you today.

Today’s post is the fifteenth one in the #write28days challenge, in which I’m participating during the month of February 2021. Today’s prompt is “Habit,” and here is my prayer/poem.

Habits That Honor God


Father God,


I want to develop habits

that honor you

with my mind:

reading your Word each day

memorizing it

meditating on it

and making it a part of me.

Help me feed my mind

with good things

that build up and edify

instead of tearing down

and leading me astray.


I want to develop habits

that honor you

in my body:

greater activity throughout the day

that builds strength and fitness

more healthy foods

that improve my gut health

better quality rest

that renews all my cells.

Remind me that my body

is your temple

and the greater care I practice

the more effective I am for you.


I want to develop habits

that honor you

in my relationships:

strengthening my marriage

pouring into my children

connecting deeper with friends

learning from people

different from me

spreading peace to all

with whom I come in contact.

Make me more like you, Lord.

May I be Jesus with skin on

to everyone in my circles.


I want to develop habits

that honor you

in my stewardship:

organizing my home

cleaning out clutter

managing my finances

investing my talents

using my time with wisdom.

May I honor you in every area

so my life produces more fruit

for your harvest

and invites others

to partake of your abundance.


Want to develop habits that honor God? I’m reading an excellent book that’s helping me do just that. It’s called Atomic Habits, and I’m excited to apply its concepts this month! Though it’s a secular book, it has great applications for not only developing good habits, but making them stick. I enjoy the brain science teachings in this book, which help me understand the why behind my good (and bad) habits. If you want better habits for eating right, exercising, reading the Bible, scripture meditation, etc., this book is for you. It’s also for you if you want to break bad habits and have a fresh start.

Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones - By: James Clear

I purchased my own copy from Amazon. Get your copy on Amazon or CBD.

A prayer for better self-discipline - Habits That Honor God. #prayer #habits #write28days Click To Tweet

Habits That Honor God

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Habits That Honor God

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