Why Your Testimony Matters More Than You Know

Do you know why your testimony matters? It matters more than you know, because others may see Jesus for the first time in you. Your individual stories about what God has done in your life comprise your testimony. It is a valuable part of your spiritual journey that can bless others.

Discovering Your Testimony

Maybe you grew up familiar with testimonies. Many evangelical believers know how to tell their testimony from a young age. They are encouraged to share their personal stories of faith by hearing the stories of others.

Since I grew up in a liturgical tradition, I wasn’t always familiar with how to tell a testimony. When I was a teen, I had a “born again” experience through evangelical influences. That experience became just one part of my testimony, a milestone on a long journey of faith.

You can discover your testimony by studying your faith milestones. When did you see God at work in your life? It can be through good times and bad times. Reflect on the times that you felt like your faith grew, and you’ll be able to form a story line. This string of stories will become your testimony.

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Why Your Testimony Matters

My former pastor was fond of saying, “People can’t argue with YOUR story.” They may try to debate Bible passages, religious traditions, and different theologies. But the truth is, if you say that God did something in your life, who can argue the opposite?

One of my Bible study friends used to say, “We all need Jesus with skin on.” When you share your testimony, the light of Jesus shines through you in a wholly unique way. No one else can tell the exact same story of struggle, redemption and victory. Your story may even lead someone to believe in God for the first time. That’s why it matters so much!

You need to be prepared to share your testimony at all times. The apostle Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 1:8 NLT:

“So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord.” 

With practice, you can share your testimony at a moment’s notice, even in challenging situations. Your testimony can inspire and convict those who do not yet believe, and it can also encourage those who already believe. Pray that God will use your testimony for his glory, and he’ll give you more chances to share it.

Pray that God will use your testimony for his glory, and he'll give you more chances to share it. #prayer #testimony Click To Tweet

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My Testimony

I often share my testimony at speaking events. You can watch a video of my testimony on my speaking page. I also informally and casually share snippets of my testimony whenever the need arises. Following my former pastor’s advice, I simply state what God did in my life. I don’t preach or shame others; I only share what God has done. Then I trust the Holy Spirit to take care of the rest in his perfect timing.

I’m honored to share part of my testimony at Woman 2 Woman Ministries today. You can head over there to read how God has used several different denominations to shape my faith.

When you share your testimony, the light of Jesus shines through you in a wholly unique way. #testimony #faith #encouragement #semowriter Click To Tweet

Why Your Testimony Matters More Than You Know

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