How to Find Hope When You Feel Abandoned

When you feel abandoned, you can find hope by seeking God’s presence. I have been haunted by the fear of abandonment my whole life, yet God has helped me find hope.

The Fear of Abandonment

Whether you grew up with the fear of abandonment, or are just now facing it, I understand how you feel. My parents’ divorce when I was young planted the fear of abandonment in my heart. My marriage trials and brief separation brought fresh fears to the surface.

God used my feeling of being abandoned to point me toward hope. Though I have had many relationship struggles, I’ve learned that God is my rock and refuge in the storms. I can have hope because he promises to never leave nor forsake me (Heb. 13:5). Because God will never abandon me, I can rest in hope and choose peace instead of fear.

My fear of abandonment has been a weapon of Satan in a spiritual battle. He would love to completely defeat me with this sharp-edged tool. Yet God has turned it around to bring him glory. He can do the same in your story if you struggle with the fear of abandonment.

God held me in his arms as I learned to find hope while fighting the fear of abandonment. #abandonment #healing #spiritualwarfare Click To Tweet

How to Find Hope When You Feel Abandoned

Today I’m guest posting for Nicole Kauffman about how to find hope when you feel abandoned. In my post, I tell my story of facing abandonment fears with God’s help. I also explain how you can fight the spiritual battle against rejection and be victorious in God’s power.

Head over to Nicole’s site now to read my story of beginning again after marriage separation.

Updated 2021:

I now have a podcast for adult children of divorce who deal with the fear of abandonment.

Check out my podcast episode on handling the fear of abandonment:

If you want me to pray for you as you fight the fear of abandonment, please send me a message on my Contact page.

How to Find Hope When You Feel Abandoned

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