How to Grow Your Faith With Small Prayers

How to Grow Your Faith With Small Prayers
How to Grow Your Faith With Small Prayers

Do you offer small prayers to God, or do you wait to offer only the big ones? 

Today I discuss how to grow your faith with small prayers on my friend Sarah Koontz’ blog, Living By Design.

Sarah is an inspirational speaker and Bible study writer who I’ve admired for a long time. You can check out my recent review for her Wisdom Whispers study here, and read a fun interview I did with her last year here.

Now, here’s a teaser of my post on Sarah’s blog. I hope you’ll hop over to it and read the rest!

How to Grow Your Faith With Small Prayers

Have you ever felt like your small prayers don’t really matter? That only the big prayers count?

Maybe you are like me. You grew up hearing others ask you to pray for big things.

Cancer. Car wrecks. Crisis. Those prayers have heft…meaning…purpose.

But how many times has someone asked you to pray for a small thing?

I’m guessing never.

Small prayers stir private embarrassment.

We pray to the God who created the sun, moon, and stars. The Lord over all creation. The Giver and Sustainer of life.

Yet we still wonder: How in the world can our smallest prayers matter to Someone that big?

We are too embarrassed to pray them ourselves, much less ask others to pray them for us.

Small prayers whisper the question, “Does God really care?”

Read the rest of this post by clicking here.

Have you ever felt like your small prayers don’t really matter? That only the big prayers count? Small prayers make a bigger difference than you may realize! #prayer Click To Tweet

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