When a Big Change is Absolutely Necessary

When a big change is absolutely necessary, you need guidance and courage from the Lord. Here is a story of how I faced a big change with greater faith.

When a Big Change is Absolutely Necessary

For the past two years, I’ve worked as a ghostwriter for criminal defense attorneys. While I was thankful for steady work, the nature of the assignments started grinding on my conscience long ago.

I didn’t want to help criminals in any way, shape or form. I’m not saying they don’t need helping. I’m also not saying that criminal defense attorneys do dirty work. What I am saying is that it wasn’t the right work for me, but I lied to myself for a long time. Like this:

I’m thankful to have a job that lets me work from home.
It will be too hard and time-consuming to find other work.
Nothing else will pay as well.
I’ll just keep going one more month.

I’ve told myself these things to keep pushing through other jobs that I should have left much sooner. But I was resigned to the situation, thinking there was no other solution.

Necessary Changes

In October, I hit a wall. I had a new assignment that would help defend abusers. That was all I could take as one who has been a victim of abuse most of my life. Tears streamed down my face–tears of frustration and anger. I cried out to God for the hundredth time, pleading for him to provide a different opportunity (I’d been interviewing for the past month with no open leads).

I prayed, “God, I want to help the victims, not the perpetrators.” I had recently found out that a perpetrator of a loved one would face no charges, thanks to the help of a criminal defense attorney. It was more than I could handle.

This month, God answered my prayer for different work. I’m so grateful. This is my last week of difficult-to-write legal articles. I’m now writing nothing morally compromising for new clients, and I’m thankful.

When a Big Change is Absolutely Necessary

Faith for Big Changes

What I learned from this challenge is that sometimes, big changes are absolutely necessary. Sometimes I let bad situations go on past their due date because I don’t see myself as worthy of a better situation. I give up my self-respect when I could simply bite the bullet and make the switch. When it comes down to it, I lack faith in a certain area.

Maybe you feel this way too. I’ve been planning this devotional for a week, and I’m sure it’s because a few of you need encouragement to make a necessary change.

Here’s an encouraging verse for you today, if you need to make a big change:

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8 NIV

Though change is a part of our lives, God never changes. He will be there for you on the other side of your big, messy change. We must have faith that if we make the change that’s needed, Jesus will walk right beside us. He doesn’t change, and that’s why we can trust him to provide stability and security when we must make necessary changes.

Important note: I’m not saying that we should give up on vows we spoke or commitments we made just because we are weary or frustrated. I’m saying that if we have a choice, we should make changes that improve our mental, physical and spiritual health when they are available to us. Those types of changes need to happen sooner rather than later.

Prayer for Big Changes

Heavenly Father,
I praise you for never changing. You are my rock and refuge at all times.
I ask you for courage and strength to make hard yet necessary changes in my life.
I trust that you will give me wisdom and discernment as I seek your perfect timing for taking action.
Thank you, Lord, for walking beside me every moment of every day, especially during big changes.
I am grateful for the peace you provide that passes all understanding.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If this devotion ministered to you, I’d love to hear from you and pray for you. Simply visit my Contact page.

Though change is a part of our lives, God never changes. He will be there for you on the other side of your big, messy change. #change #transition #faith #encouragement Click To Tweet

When a Big Change is Absolutely Necessary

When a Big Change is Absolutely Necessary

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