How to Be Your Husband’s Advocate

How to Be Your Husband's Advocate

Today I’m happy to guest post at Welcome Home on how to be your husband’s advocate. Here’s a sneak peek of the post for you!

Do you know that you are your husband’s #1 advocate?

An advocate speaks on behalf of someone else, for their benefit. An advocate defends someone who needs protection. The way you speak about your husband to others is a key to becoming the wife he really wants.

We all make mistakes. That includes your husband. I’m sure he doesn’t claim to be a perfect husband who meets all your needs. But he doesn’t want those shortcomings broadcasted to the world.

You are your husband's number one advocate. Click To Tweet

The world includes your best friend. Your sister. Your mom. The friend at work with whom you “vent.” The ladies in your Bible study. Most certainly, anyone in his family.

In the spotlight, your husband secretly longs for you to be his advocate. Not someone who judges him, picks him apart, or makes him a laughingstock in front of others.

Please click here to read the rest of the post over at Sue’s place, and check out the other posts in her recent marriage series while you’re there.

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