When Your Sense of Worth is Tied to Production

Are you a high achiever who secretly ties her sense of worth to production? I am. I know many of my readers struggle with feeling like they have to perform to earn love. That’s been my story for most of my life.

This constant performance is exhausting. No matter how hard I try (and boy, do I try hard!), I always feel a little empty inside. I think, “If I could just produce that one other thing, I will feel good about myself.” When that goal is accomplished, I immediately pursue another goal, since the emptiness remains.

If you relate to this inner struggle, I understand you, friend. The good news is that God can set us free from that struggle. I’m a recovering perfectionist. I’ll always be tempted to think my worth is tied to production. Yet God has shown me that my worth lies in him, not in how much I produce. I’d love to help you learn that lesson.

I’m writing about how we can untie our sense of worth from production at W2W Ministries today. Here’s a peek at my post, and I hope you’ll head over to read the rest.

The Right Source for Self Worth

Last year I transitioned to working from home full-time, and a funny thing happened.

I struggled to feel my value.

Has that ever happened to you?

As I established a regular schedule, I recounted over and over what I just did. I said to myself, “In the past four hours, I wrote a blog post, then I finished an article for pay, and I did three loads of laundry, and I washed the dishes.”

My lists were becoming litanies of self-worth.

I’m a list maker, and lists prove my accomplishments. Lately I’ve been furiously reviewing my lists, trying to prove to myself that I have worth.

A few months before I quit my job, I heard God whisper something like this to my heart:

“I want you to enter a season of basking in my presence.”

In my spirit, I argued with God…

To learn more about how to untie your sense of worth from production, keep reading over at W2W Ministries.

Do you feel like your sense of worth is tied to production? Here's encouragement for all you high achievers like me. #spiritualgrowth #selfworth #encouragement Click To Tweet

When Your Sense of Worth is Tied to Production

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