What’s Your Prime Time for Temptation?

Do you have a prime time for temptation? Maybe you haven’t considered this before. I made it the topic of my devotion at Encouragement for Today, and I want to help you identify your prime time so you can fight back.

What's Your Prime Time for Temptation?

Your Prime Time for Temptation

If you read my devotion at Encouragement for Today, you know that my prime time for temptation is late afternoon. This has been my time of struggle for decades. Only recently has God helped me recognize this time of temptation so I can handle it better.

To identify your prime time for temptation, you first need to recognize a pattern of sin. Narrow down on just one sin so you don’t get overwhelmed. Most of us have recurring patterns of sin in our lives that God wants to help us eradicate.

Consider past experiences when thoughts about this problem area enter your mind. Let’s use the example of overeating (one of my typical downfalls). For me, I start thinking about overeating when I’m stressed. I have thoughts like this: “Another cookie won’t hurt.” “I’ll exercise more tomorrow.” “This is just too good to resist.” Through thoughts like these, Satan tempts me to overuse the good gift of food God gives me.

Those thoughts turn into actions, like putting my hands or fork to my mouth too many times. Inevitably, I deal with the painful aftereffects of bloating, extra pounds, and worst of all, self-recrimination. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dealt with that sin over the years, especially during my prime time of temptation. I’ve learned to fight back with God’s help by identifying the time of temptation before I’m tempted.

You can overcome sin by identifying your prime time of temptation BEFORE you are tempted. #temptation #spiritualwarfare #spiritualgrowth Click To Tweet

What's Your Prime Time for Temptation?

Fighting Back Against Temptation

I tend to overeat at holiday gatherings because I’m stressed about interacting with family. Prayer helps me put on the armor of God before I enter the fight. When I pray first, I ask the Holy Spirit to hold me accountable. He pings my conscience when I reach for more food than I should eat. God reminds me through his Word that he alone is my comforter, as in these words of Jesus:

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever.

John 14:16 AMP

By meditating on scripture and praying during my prime time of temptation, it’s much easier for me to choose what’s pleasing to God. Over the years I’ve learned that when I turn to God first, I’m far less likely to feel vulnerable to sin in my prime time of temptation. He is ready and willing to help me fight back and rise above. God will help you fight back as you become more aware of your vulnerabilities, seek him first, and hide his Word in your heart.

By meditating on scripture and praying during temptation, it's much easier for you to choose what's pleasing to God. #temptation #spiritualwarfare #christianliving Click To Tweet

Transforming Your Thought Life: Christian Meditation in Focus

If you need help identifying and fighting temptations, my new book may help you. Transforming Your Thought Life: Christian Meditation in Focus discusses 17 common areas of thought life problems, how Satan tempts you in each one, and how you can fight back by meditating on key scriptures.

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Transforming Your Thought Life discusses 17 common areas of thought life problems, how Satan tempts you in each one, and how you can fight back by meditating on key scriptures. #christianmeditation #transformingyourthoughtlife Click To Tweet

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