Ordinary Is Good

Ordinary Is Good is a prayer of gratitude for overlooked blessings. I hope this prayer-poem inspires you today.

Today’s post is the second one in the #write28days challenge, in which I’m participating during the month of February 2022. Today’s prompt is “Ordinary,” and here is my prayer/poem.

Ordinary Is Good


On this morning

when an ice storm


I take notice

that ordinary

is good.


Light bulbs that flip on

with a switch

Warm air from a vent

Toilet that flushes

without a thought

Water at just the right temperature

straight from the tap

Hot tea made with my Keurig

Dishwasher ready to go

at the push of a button

Clothes washing in only 38 minutes

on the delicates cycle

Electric to power the television

for weather updates

and a repeat viewing

of the Groundhog Day movie

Soap to wash my hands

and fresh towels to dry them

A telephone call that reaches

across town in mere seconds

Lightning-fast internet

to write this post…


I could go on and on

about these ordinary luxuries

most people in history

have never enjoyed

in such astounding abundance

and yet all could disappear

in an instant

if the power goes out.


Then as I watch the groundhog

lifted from his hole

to announce six more

weeks of winter

I consider even more ordinary

blessings that are just

as good:

air in my lungs

clothes on my back

roof over my head

food in my stomach

playful banter with my teens.


O Sustainer of Life

I give you thanks

for such ordinary blessings

I often overlook.

Blessings you could take away

in a single moment

yet constantly provide

out of your everlasting love


and goodness.


As I look at the wild birds

stuffing themselves

with sunflower seeds

from my porch feeders

in rain getting colder

by the minute

I take heart

knowing you are watching

over all of us

while the clouds thicken.

As you provide

so lovingly

for the cardinals







and woodpeckers

you will continue

caring for me

and nudging me to see

that ordinary

is good.


Read all my posts in the Write 28 Days challenge HERE.

A prayer of gratitude for overlooked blessings - Ordinary Is Good. #prayer #ordinary #gratitude #write28days Click To Tweet

Ordinary Is Good

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