How to Find Hope and Help as a Depressed Wife

If you are a depressed wife, you can find hope and help. You are not alone. I’ve been where you’ve been and I know that new life is possible in Christ.

God cares about how you feel and knows how depression is affecting your marriage. By drawing closer to God and reaching out for help, you can get past your depressed feelings and have a fresh start in your life and marriage.

October 10 is World Mental Health Day, and I’m honored to offer hope and help to depressed wives at A Wife Like Me on this important week. Here’s a peek at my post.

How to Stop Depression from Hurting Your Marriage

Does depression affect your marriage?

Read this post to learn how it may be affecting your marriage.

Depression can weigh heavy on your marriage, but you can take steps to stop it.

Hope for the Depressed Wife

You may feel guilty that your depression is affecting your husband. I challenge you to use that guilt as a springboard for getting help.

By getting help and healing for your depression, you’re also getting help to strengthen your marriage. You will feel proud for doing the right thing for you, your marriage, and your family.

How You Can Get Help For Your Depression

Step 1. Pray About Your Depression

Cover your depression in prayer. Ask God to connect you with the right counselor. Pray that God will open your eyes to the roots of your struggles and help you deal with them once and for all. Ask him to heal you from your depression and give you the tools to deal with your triggers. He will hear and answer your prayers, friend, because he keeps all your tears in little bottles (Psalm 56:8 NLT).

Also, pray that God will guard and protect your marriage as you work to overcome your depression. He will show you ways to stay connected and rely on your husband through your trial. Trust God to give you the answers and direction you need.

Find hope and help as a depressed wife with these three important steps. #mentalhealth #depression Click To Tweet

Please head over to A Wife Like Me to learn two more important steps in dealing with depression, and pray along with the prayer I wrote for a depressed wife.

How to Find Hope and Help as a Depressed Wife

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