April 2021 Guest Post Sampler

Every month, I guest post at several popular sites. For your reading convenience, I’m gathering them into a April 2021 guest post sampler. Enjoy these previews of the posts, then click on the “read more” link.


Good Friday Reflections

Good Friday Reflections

This Good Friday, I’m reflecting on three years of writing for Woman 2 Woman Ministries. I’ve always had the Friday spot, and I’ve had the honor of writing three previous Good Friday posts. I’m linking them below so you can have an extended time of reflection this Good Friday.

First, here is a new prayer for Good Friday 2021….

Keep reading my post for Woman 2 Woman Ministries HERE.

Good Friday Reflections - A collection of meditations for you. #goodfriday #lent #reflections Click To Tweet


Learning to Love Your Enemies

In what ways can your love for God and others, even for enemies, grow this week? Learn more on my guided meditation of 1 Corinthians 13:13.

Keep reading my guest post for Woman 2 Woman Ministries HERE.

Learning to Love Your Enemies: Join me on a guided meditation of 1 Cor. 13:13 here. #spiritualgrowth #relationshiphelp #loveothers Click To Tweet

Embracing Your Limits

Embracing Your Limits

This week, I enjoyed a podcast episode that talked about embracing your limits.  Though this is an unpopular teaching in our culture of self-glorification, even within the church, it’s an important virtue that God considers highly valuable.

The podcast helped me understand how Jesus embraced his limits…

Keep reading my post for Woman 2 Woman Ministries HERE.

Embracing Your Limits: Learn to see your limitations in a new light. #spiritualgrowth #limitations #possibilities Click To Tweet

Withstanding Temptation

Maybe when your eyes read the word “temptation,” your thoughts instantly flash to a particular weak spot. One of my weak spots is overeating, and that’s been almost a lifelong struggle. 

I’ve learned that no matter how mature a Christian is, they still struggle with temptation, even about the same issue over and over again—because we are all human.  Satan will never give up trying to bait us with forbidden fruit.

However, God provides grace, help and strength in today’s verse:

The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.1 Cor. 10:13 (NLT)

God encourages us to withstand temptation by limiting the strength of the temptation while also providing a way out. He also gives us the chance to connect with a community tempted in the same way who will support us. And, God promises to stay by our sides during our times of temptation.  

Remember the story of Job? 

Any evil Satan wanted to inflict upon Job had to be first approved by God—and God set limits on it.  If you read the whole book of Job, you will see the purpose of Job’s suffering was to test Job’s faith. Once Job passed the test, he received far greater blessing than he had before the trials began.  

God promises the same for each of us. Anything that happens to us, good or bad, must first enter God’s hands before it gets to us. In his hands, he sets limits on what we can endure in times of temptation. He’ll always show you an exit door, if you are looking for it when you are tempted.

God won’t give us what we can’t stand up against—that is, without his help and without the help of other people. It’s our responsibility to look for the way out, and to connect to others during those difficult times. Speaking from my own experience, the blessings he provides after the trial are sweeter than I would have ever known had I not gone through it.

My resistance to temptation has grown as I have connected with my church small group.  By meeting with them, I realize I’m not alone in my struggle with temptation. I can’t count the number of times another brother or sister in Christ has shared struggles in my small group. When they share, I am so relieved I don’t feel alone in my struggles anymore.

Though it may feel awkward at first, it’s important to reach out to others during your struggles with temptation. Satan wants you to feel like your struggle is unique, but God’s Word is clear we all face temptation. When you connect with others who struggle like you do, you’ll feel stronger to resist your temptation.

Meditate on 1 Cor. 10:13 today, thinking about how you can apply it in practical ways to your own struggle. Jesus himself was tempted, and he understands what you’re experiencing (see Heb. 4:15). Ask him for help, and he will provide a way out and a friend to help you.

Withstanding Temptation: Gain practical help for the trials you are facing. #spiritualgrowth #temptation #christianliving Click To Tweet

Dying to the Old Life

Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life.

2 Corinthians 5:14 NLT

In what ways have you died to the old life you used to live? I can look back over my life and see how God has helped me die to the way I used to do things. Here are a couple examples…

Keep reading my post for Woman 2 Woman Ministries HERE.

Dying to the Old Life: A closer look at 2 Corinthians 5:14. #spiritualgrowth #christianliving Click To Tweet

Valuing the Holy Spirit

Valuing the Holy Spirit

Many Christians don’t know as much about the Holy Spirit as they do about God the Father and God the Son. Yet the Holy Spirit is not only a member of the Trinity, but a great gift given to you as a believer…

Keep reading my post for Woman 2 Woman Ministries HERE.

Listen to the podcast version here:

Do you value the Holy Spirit's work in your life? Listen/read to learn more. #holyspirit #christianpodcast #spiritualgrowth Click To Tweet

April 2021 Guest Post Sampler

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April 2021 Guest Post Sampler may be linked up at these linkups.

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