Eating Right to Fight Off Winter Blues

Eating Right to Fight Off Winter Blues

Today, we’ll look at how eating right makes a huge difference in the battle against winter blues. Last time, we discussed light therapy. and I encourage you to read that post if you struggle with seasonal affective disorder like me.

No girl loves sweets more than me. Christmas is my favorite time for indulging in cookie after cookie, because I love to bake.

But when those winter blues hit me hard in January, I change my eating habits. Not necessarily to lose weight. I change my eating plan to fight off winter blues.

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Peaceful Preparation: Day 22 OBS

Welcome to Day 22 of the Christmas Peace for Busy Moms online Bible study.

Does November do a number on your health habits?  For me, November presents several challenges.  First, my sleep is disrupted by the time change.  The older I get, the longer it takes me to adjust—about two weeks this year!  Unfortunately, I feel so fatigued that exercise seems impossible.  I give walking a half-hearted attempt but can’t perform up to speed, so I give up.

This year I got sick in mid-November and took a few days off work.  No exercise was possible for those achy days.  Then, my healthy eating habits took a nosedive at Thanksgiving.  Busy December hasn’t yet begun, and I’m struggling to keep my health intact.

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