How Writing Out Scriptures Can Grow Your Faith

How Writing Out Scriptures Can Grow Your Faith

Do you know that simply writing out scriptures can grow your faith? As Christians, we can use this simple practice for spiritual growth. I’ve been writing out scriptures this year and I’ve been pleased to see how much it has helped me grow my faith.

You may have had to write out sentences before. If you were ever disciplined in school, your teacher may have required you to do this. You may have had to write out a phrase such as, “I will not talk while the teacher is talking,” one hundred times as your punishment (ask me how I know this!). The reason? The sentence stuck in your mind, and your teacher probably hoped you would remember it before getting in trouble again.

Writing down Scripture helps us remember it and put it into practice. It can serve as a guard or warning, like when we got in trouble as children. It can also focus us on uplifting truths when our minds ruminate on the negatives. When we write out scriptures, we can hide God’s word in our hearts much better than simply reading them.

I’m honored to post about the value of writing out scriptures at Write Them On My Heart today. Here’s a preview of my post, and I hope you’ll head over to read the rest.

The Value of Writing Out Scriptures

I’ve been trying something new since the beginning of this year. When I sit down with my Bible in the morning, I’m writing out scriptures that stand out to me.

This simple practice has helped me in surprising ways.

In my upcoming book, Transforming Your Thought Life: Christian Meditation in Focus, I uncovered research that says when we write something down, we have up to a 40 percent greater retention rate than simply reading it or hearing it.

Writing out these verses has helped them stick in my mind.

They are popping up in my thoughts and even in my conversations. What’s most exciting is that God is using these verses to encourage others.

All because I wrote them down after I read them!

These verses in Deuteronomy tell us how to help God’s Word stick in our minds …

Alyson has done a fabulous job of featuring me at her blog, Write Them On My Heart. I encourage you to head over now and read the rest of this post. Be sure to check out her beautiful printables along with her thriving Etsy shop. The printable she has created is free to you as an email subscriber, and I encourage you to sign up!

Do you want to remember God's Word better? Try this simple practice I've used to grow my faith. #spiritualgrowth #writeoutscripture #biblestudy #semowriter Click To Tweet

How Writing Out Scriptures Can Grow Your Faith

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