When God Closes A Door, Sing Anyway!

When God Closes a Door, Sing Anyway!

Writing for five unedited minutes on the prompt “Sing” for the Five Minute Friday linkup.


I’ve been asking, seeking, knocking

just as you prompted me

these past few months.

One, two, three doors

have closed in my face.

Doors I hoped

would open widely.

When the third door closed yesterday

I cried out in need, not want.

Yet I sang you a song.

A song of praise

for your wisdom


and goodness.

A song that took me away

from my disappointment

and into your arms.

There you showed me

how long ago

one poor, weary couple

faced a closed door

in a time of true need.

They had traveled so far

and endured so much

and just needed a break.

A soft place to lay their heads.

But a door was closed in their face

and you provided a way.

A baby was born that night

in a crude place,

not a warm bed.

Yet that family’s story

is told over and over

thousands of years later

and still brings you glory.

That closed door didn’t stop

the story from being told.

I imagine that new mother

singing songs over her baby boy,

the one who would save us all.

I imagine him growing up

singing songs

while he built doors

with his father,

planing their surfaces


When God closes a door, sing anyway! #disappointment #hope #faith Click To Tweet

Questions for reflection:

Has God recently closed a door in your life? How can you sing him a song of praise anyway?

How is God planing your surfaces today?



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