Trusting God in My Current Season


I’ve just written a book, Newness of Life, all about life’s seasons, and trusting in God’s timing.

The season in which I find myself is the season of planting.  I’m planting seeds in my writing career, wondering when it will be time to reap a harvest.

And I’m wondering if 2017 is the year God tells me: Go all in.

Go all in, like the widow who gave her last dime to God’s kingdom work (Mark 12).

Go all in, like the merchant who sold everything he had to buy a field where a priceless treasure was buried (Matthew 13).

Go all in, like Peter walked on the water to follow Jesus (Matthew 14).

My doubts swirl like tornado clouds, stirring the waters when I try to step out.  Will I lose everything familiar?  Will I fall in failure?  Will I drown in the unknown?

Suzie Eller says on her blog today:

I don’t want to live in the boat! I want my faith story to be that when Jesus said, “Come,” that I climbed out of the boat.

Yes, I want my current season to be a season of trusting.  A season I can reflect upon and see how my faith grew strong, believing that God will accomplish what seems impossible in my life.  A season of responding well to God’s call and God’s timing.

I know my season of planting won’t be easy.  It is full of uncertainty, possible mistakes, and perhaps a few disappointments.  Suzie says:

Yes, we will be aware of every weakness. Yes, we will feel the wind. Yes, we see the water splashing around our shins, or maybe our neck, but we will be in the deep with Jesus.

When God tells me to go all in, I want to say, “I’m going all in because You’re beside me, Lord.”

Why would you give your last dime to God if you are dirt-poor?  Why would you sell everything you own for a single pearl?  Why would you step out on waves when a storm is blowing?

Because you believe the God who created the heavens, the Savior who gave you eternal life, and the Spirit who guides you is trustworthy.

I trust in God’s timing in my current season because I believe in who he is:

  • Transcendent
  • Powerful
  • Mighty to save
  • All-knowing
  • All-sufficient

Do you know God this way?  Discover more about him, his timing, and his working in your life in Newness of Life.

Join the Facebook online Bible study group for the Newness of Life study Jan. 9 – Feb. 3, 2017.  You’ll benefit from the daily questions and the fellowship of other readers.  Request to join today!

Download the free resources for Newness of Life in my Freebies page.

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