How to Set Boundaries on Others’ Bad Behavior

How to Set Boundaries on Others' Bad Behavior
How to Set Boundaries on Others' Bad Behavior

How to Set Boundaries on Others Bad Behavior

Does it feel like other people are ruining your life with their bad behavior?

No one truly holds the power to ruin your life. But some people seem bent on destroying your peace.

I know this from years of being abused in various relationships. I understand how it feels to live under someone’s criticism, bad moods, and angry outbursts. It’s hard not to let their bad behavior reign over your life.

Through many years of Bible study, reading, and counseling, I’ve learned how to set firm boundaries against others’ bad behavior and gain the peace I always desired. Here are the steps to take when setting a boundary.

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A Time for War, A Time for Peace

Peace through Boundaries

Today’s post is based on chapter 15 of my book, Newness of Life.

Newness of Life: Trusting God in Times of Transition

At the dinner table this week, I considered how to tell a story about personal conflict in a way my children would understand.

I posed this scenario:

Suppose you are sitting in math class.  Your teacher singles you out in front of everyone and says, “You stink at math!”  You know it’s not true, and your teacher is being mean for no good reason.  What would you do?

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