3 Easy Ways to Prepare for Lent

How are you preparing your heart for Lent this year?

Growing up in the church, I experienced Lent as a season of solemn contemplation.  As a girl I was taught to consider my sins and how much I needed Jesus’ redemption on the cross.  This practice of inward-seeking has stayed with me over the decades.  Lent is the season when I ask God to search me for hidden sins.  Each year he reveals new pockets of disobedience, and I grow closer to him through repentance and obedience.

3 Ways to Prepare for Lent

I use three different ways to prepare for Lent each year, and I hope at least one of them inspires you today.

Intentional Bible Study

I have a collection of Lenten devotionals that help me focus on contemplating where I need spiritual growth. These devotionals enhance my daily quiet time with God and lead me on a deeper path. You can also order my new 40-Day Lenten Devotional and Scripture Writing Plan HERE.

Cut One Thing Out

Many people fast during Lent to focus more on their faith. In recent years, I joined the fasting trend and gained spiritual growth from it. I pray about which item I should eliminate in my fast, which changes from year to year. It’s not always a food item; sometimes it’s simply time that I spend on other things like reading that I switch out for regular prayer.

Plant a Resurrection Garden

In February, I sow an indoor resurrection garden. My children and I go through my resurrection garden devotional and deepen our faith together with this simple yet powerful visual aide. You can find complete instructions on this post.

The Fruitful Life: A Unique Look at the Fruits of the Spirit

I’d love for you to check out the book I wrote for Lenten study. It’s called The Fruitful Life: A Unique Look at the Fruits of the Spirit.

This book is a study on the fruits of the spirit and their common opposites.  Those nagging sins like impatience, anxiety, and indulgence which seem to hang around no matter what I do to prevent them.  I’m writing each chapter with a personal story, then a look at God’s way, Jesus’ example, and the Holy Spirit’s empowerment.  I know I can’t get past my nagging sins without God’s help.  This book will help you and me uncover hidden sins and grow closer to God.

If you have read my other books, you are familiar with my writing style of brief chapters, intended for busy women with hectic schedules.  I write books that I have time to read in my own busy schedule as a wife and working mother of three.  My goal is to breathe God’s peace into your life through the books I write.

Here’s what’s unique about The Fruitful Life:

Shorter length.  This book has only 9 chapters, so it’s a bit shorter than my past books.  This is perfect if you are in a busy season but still want to do a Lenten study.

Hand-drawn illustrations.  I’m an artist as well as a writer, and I’m going to feature hand-drawn illustrations on the blog and in promotional materials.  I can’t wait to share the drawings with you!

Prayer Calendar.  I’m designing a special Lenten prayer calendar to go along with this study.  I’ll make it available to everyone who signs up to receive my newsletter (see signup below).

Deeper Bible Study.  In the book I will have two reflective questions per chapter.  I’m creating a more in-depth study guide for those who signup below.

I’ve also prepared a 40-Day Lenten Devotional and Scripture Writing Plan that can help you observe Lent. Check it out HERE.

Please comment below and let me know how you plan to prepare for Lent this year!

3 easy ways to prepare your heart for Lent this year. #Lent #devotional #intentionalliving #contemplation Click To Tweet

3 Easy Ways to Prepare for Lent

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