Prayer for Holy Week #3

This is the fourth prayer in a series of Easter prayers, featuring photos from my friend’s recent trip to the Holy Land.  Today’s photos are from the Sea of Galilee.


Prefer to listen? Here’s the podcast episode:

On the banks of this sea

men left everything behind

and followed you, Jesus.

Lifelong fishermen were astounded

by a miraculous load of fish

beckoned by your silent call.

Your quiet power amazed these seasoned men:

jaded by sleepless nights

fierce storms

and empty nets.

You opened up a new world.

Here you calmed a storm

rebuking it like a wayward child

and restored instant calm

to your fearful followers.

Here you walked on water

and called Peter to deeper faith.

On the night he swore never to deny you

even though you knew the truth

you promised to meet him once again

in this place

after you rose from the dead.

Here you appeared

early one morning

after your resurrection

and your disciples didn’t recognize you.

In a circle of memory

you called a huge number of fish

to the nets, and the men’s eyes were opened.

Then you healed Peter’s shame

and called him to a higher purpose.


In this Holy Week

let us sit by the sea of your grace

and marvel at your power.

Help us enjoy the early morning calm.

Give us sustenance from its waters.

Teach us to step out in faith

on unlikely surfaces.

Call us to give up everything we know

and follow you with all our hearts.

Cast aside our fears

our doubts

our calloused layers

and call us to deeper knowledge

deeper trust

and deeper faith.



Did you enjoy this prayer? Read the first prayersecond prayer, and third prayer in this series.


Questions for reflection:

Imagine yourself in these scenes from the Sea of Galilee.  How would you have responded to Jesus’ actions?

What actions will you take to deepen your faith this Holy Week?

Join me every day this week for more prayers in honor of Holy Week.

Holy Week prayer from the Sea of Galilee #holyweek #prayer Click To Tweet

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