Peaceful Preparation: Day 22 OBS

Welcome to Day 22 of the Christmas Peace for Busy Moms online Bible study.

Does November do a number on your health habits?  For me, November presents several challenges.  First, my sleep is disrupted by the time change.  The older I get, the longer it takes me to adjust—about two weeks this year!  Unfortunately, I feel so fatigued that exercise seems impossible.  I give walking a half-hearted attempt but can’t perform up to speed, so I give up.

This year I got sick in mid-November and took a few days off work.  No exercise was possible for those achy days.  Then, my healthy eating habits took a nosedive at Thanksgiving.  Busy December hasn’t yet begun, and I’m struggling to keep my health intact.

I will prepare well for my health so my peace can stay intact this Christmas.

Making a Fresh Start

I’m getting back on track with fruit smoothies or eggs for breakfast rather than carbs.  I’m taking homemade soup or salads for lunch rather than heavier supper leftovers.  And I will squeeze in a half-hour of exercise before the sun sets, gaining a much-needed serotonin boost from sunshine and activity.

I’m returning to my healthy practice of weight training with planks, squats, and jumping jacks on my mini-trampoline.  I know from experience that walking alone won’t help my pants fit better.  Strength-training is essential, and I must carve out time for it before the endless carb parade begins in December.

Healthy Habits in Busy December

My cookie dough is mixed up, ready to slice and bake.  Come back on Friday (Day 25) to see my favorite Christmas cookie recipe!  But I’ve promised myself to only eat one cookie per day before evening arrives, so I have time to burn it off through exercise.

Every time I cook supper, my goal is to use the cook once, eat twice method.  I encourage you to download the sheet I prepared, which inspires me on what to do with my prepared food.  This past weekend we smoked two turkey breasts and I made nine quarts of stock out of the bones.  Many healthy meals will spring from that one afternoon of cooking.

I’ve been thinking about this verse regarding physical health:

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8 NIV

I’m thankful God’s word tells us physical training does hold value.  Healthy exercise, sleep, and eating habits prepare us for tip-top service in God’s kingdom.  But I want to keep my primary focus on growing more like Jesus every day, and I can do that better by preparing well for healthy habits.  My preparation for my health in busy December will help me serve others more faithfully as a peace ambassador.

Questions for you:

Which healthy habit you currently keep brings you peace?

Which healthy habit can you adopt to prepare for greater peace in busy December?

My preparation for my health in busy December will help me serve others more faithfully as a peace ambassador. #christmaspeace #xmaspeace4moms #healthyhabits Click To Tweet

Please head over to Day 23 now to learn about how to create a peaceful celebration.

Our theme verse for this week:


Glory to God in the highest--Luke 2:14

Find the printable Bedside Reminder Card of this verse here.

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