Peace in My Heart: Day 4 OBS

You can increase your peace level at Christmas by using peaceful words, not just for others but for yourself as well. For Day 4 of the online Bible study for Christmas Peace for Busy Moms, we’re discussing Peaceful Words, and we have a special guest interview with author Micah Maddox.

Peaceful Words

Let’s look at this quote from the book:

God has set peace on my tongue in place of condemnation. He has rehabilitated my heart as his peaceful dwelling place, and his peace has carried over into my speech.

Think over the past 24 hours and consider how you’ve spoken to yourself.  Have you used words of condemnation?  This has been my primary thought-life struggle for years.  As I think over the past day, I can remember a time I was tempted to self-condemn, and I used Scripture to counter the lies.

When I made a social blunder with my words, I began beating myself with the familiar internal chastisement:  “You are so stupid.”

But I took a deep breath and confronted the inner judge: “I am not stupid. I am human and imperfect.  I am a daughter of the King: chosen, cherished and deeply loved.”

The Scriptures which give me the basis for my beliefs:

See what love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God!

1 John 3:1

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

1 Peter 2:9

How God Delights in Us

We delight God’s heart when we use his holy words of Scripture to battle against the enemy’s lies.

I have a glimpse of how God delights in us when we use his words in battle. Few things bring me more satisfaction as a mom than when my child uses my words to gain victory over a problem. My daughter is struggling with a friend relationship at the moment. (I didn’t expect girl drama at age 8! Sigh…) She recently recounted a story to me and said, “I remembered what you told me, Mom…” and she proceeded to act with grace instead of nastiness.

I felt so proud of my girl! She took taken my words spoken in love and wider perspective and applied them to her own unique situation. I felt affirmed and respected as a mom too!

That’s how God wants us to use his words. He wants to rehabilitate our hearts as his peaceful dwelling place, by hiding his word in our hearts. He wants us to take his powerful word of Scripture, apply it to our situations, and gain more peace in our own hearts to share with others. God feels loved, respected, and delighted when we allow his words to bring us life and peace.

How to Find Christmas Peace: My interview with author Micah Maddox

Our special guest today is Micah Maddox.  I’m so excited to introduce this lovely lady to you!


Q:  How have you found peace with God because of who he is?  Share part of your story with us.

There were times in my life when I questioned who God really was. Was He a loving Father? A powerful controlling force that was waiting to zap me the moment I made a bad decision? Would He turn His back if I was not perfect or holy?

All of these questions came from deep within a broken heart of a little girl. After my dad abandoned our family, I began to search for God in a new way – a desperate way. Throughout my life I’ve learned that desperation is a beautiful gift although it’s difficult.

When I learned to seek God with all my heart, I found Him. And when I did, I learned God is holy, but He gave Jesus to cover my un-holiness.

I learned God is faithful even when my faithfulness fails. I learned God is gracious when I don’t deserve grace and He is my strength when stress seeps into my life and makes things complicated.

Because of who He is, I am able to live a life of freedom, faith, and I know my future is in His hands – because of who He is.

God is faithful even when my faithfulness fails. @mrsmicahmaddox #xmaspeace4moms Click To Tweet

Q:  How have you changed the way you see yourself through God’s eyes?

No longer am I a victim of abandonment. I am a victorious daughter of the Most High King! He is my intimate Leader, Comforter, Healer, and Peace-giver. I am His, and He is mine. It’s a wonderful way to live, the only way.

Q: Christmas is a season of outrageous expectations.  Do you have any advice for other moms on how to revise our expectations this year?

One thing I have learned is that striving for perfection never brings peace. There are so many ways that we add pressure in our lives especially during the Christmas season.

For me, Pinterest and Facebook add a tremendous level of pressure that I could never live up to. I’ve pinned countless ideas, recipes, and table settings that will never be executed. I’m learning I will never execute perfection.

Rather than scrolling newsfeeds and thumbing through Pinterest this season, I choose to use the décor I already own, make the tried and true family recipes, and let the rest of the world stress over pinning, producing, and perfection.

The most memorable moments usually will not include matching napkins or a table filled with the perfect burlap. Memories are made in face to face moments with the people we love no matter what everything looks like.

Striving for perfection never brings peace at Christmas. @mrsmicahmaddox #xmaspeace4moms Click To Tweet

Q: In what ways have you changed the words you speak to yourself as a woman of God?

This question makes me laugh out loud. I talk to myself a lot. Ha ha! I’m sure I have plenty of self-talking friends out there.

For me, the best way to change the self-talk is to take more time for soul-talk. What I mean is, get in the Word everyday.

When I dive into God’s Word each day, I am more prepared to speak words of peace to myself rather than words of condemnation.

I still struggle like we all do with feelings and thoughts of not being enough and I will never be able to convince myself otherwise without the power of God’s Word. His Word is the only way.

When I dive into God's Word each day, I am more prepared to speak words of peace to myself. @mrsmicahmaddox #xmaspeace4moms Click To Tweet

Q: As a mom, how will your actions bring peace to your family this Christmas?

Well, I can’t make any promises, but I will do my best to live by the lessons I’ve learned. I won’t stress over decorations.

One thing we do to combat this is we decorate early. I won’t give you the date, but it might be before the December calendar changes. I hope we can still be friends!

This year I will choose to keep the focus on Jesus. So many things will fill up the calendar, but if we leave Jesus out we are missing everything. We will talk about Jesus daily. We will focus on Him instead of stuff – It’s amazing the peace this brings.

The only way my actions will bring peace to my family this Christmas is if I am abiding in Jesus every single day. As soon as I get off track, everyone around me knows it. I’ll be doing my best and I will rest in God’s peace as we walk through this Christmas season.

I am cheering each of you on too! Remember peace is so much better than perfection!

Peace is so much better than perfection! @mrsmicahmaddox #xmaspeace4moms Click To Tweet

How to Find Christmas Peace: My interview with author Micah Maddox

Thank you Micah for these wise words!  Head over to Micah’s blog and let her know what part of her interview has inspired you.  Please also check out my review of her wonderful book, Anchored In.

The only way my actions will bring peace to my family this Christmas is if I am abiding in Jesus every single day. #christmaspeace via @mrsmicahmaddox Click To Tweet

Questions for you:

How can you delight God’s heart today in the way you speak to yourself?

Think of a person who needs your words of peace.  What specific way can you speak peace to them today?

How can we pray for you to gain peace?

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