Fresh Batch of Book Reviews #7

Friends, I’m keeping it short and sweet today, because I’m busy writing my next book, The Fruitful Life: Addressing Common Sins and Growing in Faith.  I hope you’ll join me tomorrow when I begin my sneak peeks into The Fruitful Life before it launches on March 5.  Today, I hope you enjoy these two reviews on Energy Reset and 40-Day Lent Vocabulary Word Devotional.

Energy Reset by Michelle Brown

This book challenged me, held me accountable, and inspired me to make several changes. It hooked me with its scary descriptions of the consequences for some of my choices, such as eating unclean food and using unhealthy beauty products and cleaning chemicals. I read it straight through and decided on some swaps, though I’m not going to commit to going all-in. Living totally clean is not an affordable option for me right now, so I’ll just make a few key changes. Here are the changes I’m making after reading this book:

1. Cutting way back on dairy, grains, and sugar. I have lots of control over my breakfast, lunch, and snack choices, and I will modify those choices to exclude those three groups as much as possible. However, I plan to eat normal suppers with my family, which may include those groups. I’m OK with one meal per day that’s not 100% healthy. I will eat eggs for breakfast and veggie soup or salad for lunch, and apples with nut butter for snacks. I plan to do this for the next two months to assess the change in my energy level.

2. Using more olive/coconut oil and less canola/vegetable oil. I didn’t know much about the dangers of using seed-based oils until I read this book. I will make a swap with olive oil for savory dishes and coconut oil for sweeter dishes.

3. Taking a closer look at fragrance-based products. I usually make clean choices for my household products, but I’m not so sure about my beauty products. I will study the labels and try to evaluate whether to keep using a product or make a swap.

4. Stop drinking diet soda. I rarely enjoy any kind of soda, but a Coke Zero is my favorite afternoon pick-me-up. I think a wiser choice will be unsweetened tea, which I already like. Who knows what those artificial chemicals are doing to my gut.  Every once in a blue moon, I’m OK with indulging in a full-sugar soda.  But I’m trying to cut out soda as much as possible and switch to tea, because it’s full of antioxidants.

I have always been a low-energy, slow-paced person. I don’t think that will change dramatically even with the changes I plan to make. But this book is helping me see how my everyday choices are likely taking a toll on my endocrine system. This book has been the kick-in-the-pants I needed to get back on track with healthy eating habits.


40-Day Lent Vocabulary Word Devotional by Alan Balmer

I liked this book for the same reason I enjoyed Alan’s 100 Day Vocabulary Word Devotional; it combines my love for vocabulary words and for Bible study. Alan is gifted at writing with a strong command of Bible knowledge while remaining humble and relatable. Each day has thought-provoking questions to stimulate self-examination. The chapters are brief yet rich and engaging, perfect for a busy person’s schedule. This is an excellent devotional for the reflective Lenten season.

I hope you’ll join me for my next book, The Fruitful Life.  Come back tomorrow for more information!

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