Finding Peace in Christmas Future


When I wrote Christmas Peace for Busy Moms in the summer of 2016, I wrote what I needed to hear myself.  This Christmas, I need peace in my heart, day, relationships, surroundings, and holiday, as the book outlines.  Here are five ways I’m planning to incorporate ideas from the book this Christmas:

  1. In my heart, I will meditate on God’s peace before I go to sleep each night, using these bedside reminder cards.
  2. In my day, I will prep more in the evening to ensure a more peaceful morning.
  3. In my relationships, I will reach out to friends on a more intentional schedule.
  4. In my surroundings, I will look for ways to share peace every time I’m shopping.
  5. In my holiday, I will prepare meals in advance using my cook once, eat twice ideas so the busy weeks before Christmas are more peaceful times of connection.

Join me and other busy moms here on my blog for the online Bible study on Christmas Peace for Busy Moms.  We will share practical ideas for incorporating peace into busy December.  I can’t wait to hear your feedback!

Blessings to you, Sarah

More reader reviews for Christmas Peace for Busy Moms:

Christmas Peace for Busy Moms will be a blessing to whoever reads it! Sarah Geringer discusses real struggles that every busy mom deals with. As a wife and mother of three, I looked forward to each day’s message and how it related to my current situation. Sarah’s suggestions on how to find peace in all aspects of your daily routine were not just helpful and realistic, but also biblically based. If you want to experience PEACE during this hectic Christmas Season, then do yourself a favor and read this book!!!

Sherry F.

I believe Sarah must have been secretly watching me over the years.  Raising children is a bigger responsibility than any of us can handle alone.  Each day Sarah begins with her own personal story as she tried to live up to the expectations we all put into play at some point.  Her choice of scripture leads to thoughtful reflection for an understanding of where we may be and how God is right there along the way. Christmas Peace for Busy Moms is a unique devotional that dives into topics easily brushed off as important enough to stop and be addressed for peace in all circumstances.  For the first time I look forward to Christmas with my family without feeling guilty.

Kathy B.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Sarah Geringer’s Christmas Peace for Busy Moms.  I am a new empty-nester mom of two college-age boys.  Even though this study is written for moms of younger children still at home, I feel that Sarah’s biblical insight and wisdom are timeless and appropriate for any mom at any stage of life.  The reading for each day taught me something new in my quest for inner peace during the busy season of Christmas when the world focuses on the outward trimmings and activities of the season rather than the peace the Christchild came to bring into our hearts.  Her focus on what God teaches us in the Bible about peace and relationships with our families and friends was encouraging.  Her references to Scripture passages on various topics was most helpful and something I will refer back to time and time again.  Sarah also gives some very practical examples of how to express Christ’s peace not only to our families but anyone we come in contact with throughout our daily lives.  I would encourage anyone in any walk of life to work through this Bible study.  You will be blessed.

Magdalene V.


Looking for more Christmas peace?  Check out my book, Christmas Peace for Busy Moms and visit this link to access the online Bible study.

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