Exploring God’s Path for Your Life, Part 3

Welcome to the third installment of this series about your life’s path. Last time we discussed knowing when a storm is coming. Today we’ll talk about seeking God’s guidance for the future.

When your path forward is unknown, what can you do?

I am approaching several crossroads in my life path right now, and I’m not sure what’s ahead. On my path today, I know these seasons are approaching, but I’m not sure how they will turn out:

  • Entering the years of raising three teenagers.
  • Navigating a new road with my first child in public school, rather than private school, next year.
  • Walking unknown areas in my career path.

One truth I already know: The path forward will look different than I imagine it. 

When I look back on previous crossroads, that truth became apparent fairly quickly. I’m a planner by nature. In the past, I worked as an event planner. You would think by the ninth year in a row I would have had all the kinks worked out. But unexpected turns always happened. It was easier to expect the unexpected than to plan every detail.

Seeking Direction in God’s Word

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

Proverbs 19:21 NIV

I’m thankful that God’s purpose prevails in my life path. He designed me to be a planner, but he wants me to seek his purposes first.

When I seek God's purposes, I have greater peace moving forward. #presson #keepmoving #encouragement Click To Tweet

How do we find God’s purposes? We start by looking in the scriptures.

Exploring God's Path for Your Life, Part 3


God’s Word as a Road Map

Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, ‘This is the way you should go,’ whether to the right or to the left.

Isaiah 30:21 NLT

This is a popular passage in Isaiah. But it is a conditional promise, based on two points:

  • In verse 19, God says he will guide us if we ask for help.
  • In verse 22, he says, “Then you will destroy all your idols.”

What this passage tells me is I need to examine my heart for any idol that has taken God’s place. If I find anything standing in the way, I have to remove it first before I can continue on my path. Otherwise, I won’t really be listening to God’s direction; I’ll be paying more attention to the idol. For me, this is a daily necessity. Is it the same for you?

I also need to ask for God’s guidance, not simply expect it to happen. Jesus once asked a sick man if he wanted to get well. Do I want God’s guidance enough to ask for it? Does his guidance matter enough to me that I will set aside time in prayer over my path?

When I first pray for guidance, I have greater peace moving forward. #prayer #peace #guidance Click To Tweet

I gain peace in these additional ways:

Even though the path ahead is unknown, I have peace about moving forward. God is by my side, and he gives me these tools to navigate the path. How is he helping you face the future?

Questions for your reflection:

  • How has your life path looked different from how you imagined it?
  • Are any idols presenting roadblocks on your path today? You can use this prayer for help in finding them.
  • In the past, when you faced an unknown future, what did you do to gain peace and find direction?

Exploring God's Path for Your Life, Part 3


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