Celebrating a Milestone in my Publishing Journey

Today is a day for rejoicing, because one of my dreams is coming true. I’m signing with a literary agency today. My agent will soon be pitching my book ideas to traditional publishers, and today, I’m celebrating.

How I Met My Agent

Last year I attended She Speaks, a large conference for Christian women writers and speakers. Before one of the sessions, a friendly woman came up to me. When she told me her name (Michelle), I remembered that we had been in an online Bible study group years ago, when (in)courage was holding online groups.

We chatted for maybe 10 minutes and exchanged our book ideas. She was there to pitch, and so was I. She was one of dozens of wonderful women I met that weekend.

Last fall, I saw on Facebook that Michelle had signed as a literary agent at WordWise Media Services. I posted my online congrats and felt excited for her.

How I got a contract with a literary agency. #WritingCommunity #amwriting Click To Tweet

In February 2018, a woman commented in the private Facebook group for She Speaks members. She asked if anyone had heard back from their agent or publisher meetings. I commented, saying that I was still waiting.

Michelle saw my comment and private messaged me, asking me about my book idea. She asked to see my proposal! But I only had one chapter written, not the standard three chapters. So, I took a week off to write the other two chapters and sent it over.

We had a long phone conversation, and she offered me a contract. Last night, I signed the contract, and it will be sent to the agency today!

Celebrating the Milestone

It’s been a long journey to get to this point, and there are more miles to go. But I’m closer than ever to my long-held dream of getting published, and I’m taking time to celebrate today.

In one of my ministry teams, we practiced an exercise this week. We looked back at all the roles we’ve had in the past to see how God worked through each one, whether they were paid or not. I learned new things through this exercise, and I encourage you to do the same. Here’s what I shared in the message thread:

In order:

  • babysitter
  • office helper
  • actress
  • flutist
  • editor
  • mural painter
  • house cleaner
  • tutor
  • ice cream scooper and cake decorator at Baskin Robbins
  • graphic designer
  • ad agency secretary
  • mom–best job of them all!
  • event coordinator for local home and garden show
  • Bible study leader
  • church simulcast coordinator
  • blogger
  • Wildtree sales rep
  • high school secretary (many hats)
  • event registrar
  • freelance writer/graphic designer
  • proofreader
  • fine artist

At age 3, I wanted to be an artist. At age 13, I wanted to be a writer AND an artist. God has certainly woven the fine arts through my story, and I’m praising him today for leading me along a purposeful path in his perfect timing. He really does make dreams come true, while we keep asking, seeking, and knocking.

Keep asking, seeking and knocking in your dream pursuit. #amwriting #intentionalliving #encouragement Click To Tweet

God has used several teachers to keep encouraging me along my path. He has given me a wonderful online community of support and encouragement, and a local group of cheerleaders in my writer’s guild. I have been blessed to have several published authors as mentors for my journey–thank you Amy, Cheri, and Suzie.

Moving Forward in the Journey

I have a lot of work to do. I appreciate your prayers as I continue on this journey. My heart’s desire is to start a full-time ministry through my writing, and that will only be possible with God’s direction and your support. I am thankful for every single person who helped me get this far, and who will help me move ahead to reach even further.

Blessings to you today!

Questions for you:

How has God revealed his purpose through all your roles?

What threads do you see running through your story?

How are you pursuing your dreams?

Best Tips for Christian Writers

Are you a writer? I have two courses to encourage you on your journey HERE.

Transforming Your Thought Life

UPDATE: In only two months after this post, I received a book contract for this book, published in 2019. Rejoicing over the hard work of my agent that helped me get my second book contract in 2020!

Celebrating a Milestone in my Publishing Journey

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